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Calorie Counter Form

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Are you or your customers working to eat a more balanced diet? Our uncomplicated online Calorie Counter Form is the perfect place to start! Provide our calorie calculator template to people participating in weight loss and health management programs, whether it's at a gym, as part of weight loss program, or independently. They can easily keep track of the calories they consume daily, weekly, and monthly. This incredibly motivational tool helps people build self-awareness and gain a real understanding of how their diet choices affect their overall health and weight - leading to healthier, lower calorie choices that make an impact!

What's in the Calorie Counter Form?

Launch this form as-is or customize it to your heart's content!

Use This Form

You'll find our streamlined calorie tracker is a complete turnkey tool that makes it easy for your customers to focus on eating a balanced diet and following their own diet plan. With our calorie calculator template, customers can use their phone, tablet, or computer to enter the foods they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Then, they simply total the calories for each meal in order to see just how much they actually eat each day. Our online form offers you multiple options for customization, including file upload to monitor your customers' calorie intake, payment integration to encourage them to sign up for programs or motivational activities, and branching logic so that each form gets to the right trainer or weight loss counselor every time!

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