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Nutrition Diary Log

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Give this convenient online Nutrition Diary Log form to participants in your weight loss programs to use as a basic food tracker or nutrition log. Combine this convenient online form with their weight loss tracker or exercise log to help them more fully understand the impact of their diet on the success - or lack of success - in your weight loss or nutritional programs.

What's in the Nutrition Diary Log?

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Use This Form

A practical nutrition tracker is an essential part of any food journal or food diary. Use our online template to let your customers quickly and easily upload data on all of their meals and snacks. All they have to do is fill in the food eaten, type of meal, total grams, and calories. Then, they break their food or meal down into grams of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. It's easy for them to save or share the completed form using their smart phone, iPad, or computer. Later, review their data in order to help participants understand the larger picture that is the key to healthy eating, dieting, and weight management.

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