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Reference Check Questions

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If you want to find the best employee, then go into the reference check with a list of prepared questions to ask. With our convenient Reference Check Questions template, you can be just as prepared for this vital part of the employee screening process. In fact, you don't even have to spend valuable time on the phone with the professional references that have been supplied by the prospective employee. Instead, you can simply email them this online form to fill out, and Voila! Task completed.

What's in the Reference Check Questions?

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Use This Form

If you're wondering what the right questions to ask references are, worry no more! Our convenient reference check form allows you to complete this essential step swiftly and straightforwardly. Find out who is providing the reference, their job title and the company they worked at with your prospective employee, their working relationship with the applicant, and the dates they were employed. Dig deeper to find out what the potential employee's performance was like, what the applicant's strengths and weaknesses were, and any other feedback they'd like to share. You'll love how easy the reference check process is with our online reference check template!

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