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School ID Replacement

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It's a sad reality of life: students lose things. Whether it's their homework, textbook, or ID card, having a process in place for replacing these items can make the lives of your school personnel easier. Whether you work in a public school office or a college or university Office of the Registrar, you'll find that our online School ID Replacement Form makes dealing with this loss so much simpler!

What's in the School ID Replacement?

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Use This Form

To make processing new school ID cards speedy and painless, simply have your students complete our easy-to-use online application for lost ID cards. Students supply their reason for purchasing a new ID card as well as their name, address, expected year of graduation, email, phone number, and student ID number. Fill in the replacement ID fee amount and easily add online payment integration to make processing their new student IDs even faster. They'll be flashing their new cards in no time!

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